First edition of GAM’s Market Intel




Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles hitting regulatory targets; Plus, data analytics on EV sales in the first half of this year and a look at the size of alternative fuel stations across the country

Which is the clean transportation technology to adopt — electric vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles? The debate over which technology is better to hit the zero-emission vehicle target mandated by 2035 in the state of California — and which is also being required in New York and is being considered by a few other states — has been set aside for the most part. California sees battery electric vehicles (and to a limited quantity, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles as equal partners on the emissions front. That’s been a heated debate, but for now the federal government, California, and a few other states, tend to take an all-inclusive, technology-neutral approach. Electric vehicles and their charging networks tend to take the top spot for funding, incentives, and other support, but fuel cell vehicles won’t be going away anytime soon. Toyota’s Mirai has gained most of the visibility for passenger fuel-cell cars but hydrogen-powered commercial trucks have been getting more of the focus lately. This is the first part of a study by Green Auto Market on how fuel cell vehicles are being looked at by government agencies, automakers, and buyers. It also explores how sales of these vehicles have been in the U.S. and around the world — and what looks likely to come next. 

This issue (the first ever) for Green Auto Market’s Market Intel also offers two other data analytics:

—Top Selling Electric Vehicle Models in the First Half of the Year:  What does that tell us?

—Alternative Fuel Stations in the U.S. 


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