Resources to review on the cleantech investment front

Hey there, startup cleantech company executive, are you looking for investors? Would pitching to GM Ventures and other corporate investors on your advanced vehicle technology be of interest to you? If that be the case, check out Cleantech Group’s new online i3 platform. Beyond that announcement, what research tools are out there now for those seeking venture capital and corporate investors or IPOs?

Thecleantech investors, advanced vehicle technologies, clean transportation way i3 works is that start-ups are able to highlight key information about their business model, differentiators, financial backing, partnerships, and leadership team. This process facilitates  executives in corporate strategy, R&D, and other business units being able to view a company’s profile in i3 and quickly assess a potential fit. With the new i3, corporate users are now able to get in touch with start-ups worldwide that might make for the best fit, and easily keep track of what their internal team is doing to build their innovation pipeline. Start-ups have more opportunities to find their next partner or investor. You can participate in a webinar on Oct. 15 or 16 to learn more.

CleanTech OC’s 2014 Conference & Expo will be taking place tomorrow, Oct. 7, in Irvine, Calif. I’ll be attending the event that highlights key technologies and drivers spurring economic growth in the Orange County clean technology industry. This is the only annual conference in Orange County dedicated to covering the clean technology space and connecting industry stakeholders throughout the region and state. The LA Cleantech Incubator is hosting its second annual Cleantech Global Showcase during that time – Oct. 6-7 at the landmark Los Angeles Theater.

If you’re interested in tracking stock in cleantech, clean transportation, renewable energy, biofuels, smart grid, and other related fields, check out Alt Energy Stocks and Seeking Alpha. It’s good to review market capitalization, stock price trends, earnings statements, and analyst commentaries on key players in green transportation. Green Auto Market – Extended Edition tracks publicly traded companies in green transportation, along with newsworthy items on private investments, mergers and acquisitions, and government incentives and loans.

“We see the tough realities that innovators face – the political, economic, and technology trends that, when fully understood, influence clean energy business strategies,” says Craig Shields, editor of 2GreenEnergy. Shields and his colleagues bring together investors and investment opportunities in clean, renewable energy and electrified transportation. You can sign up for the free “2GreenEnergy Alert” newsletter, which covers a wide range of topics from lessons learned at a wind energy conference to the latest on ocean acidification. You can also buy one of Shields’ books, including Renewable Energy – Facts and Fantasies.

Biofuels Digest is a good newsletter to sign up for and receive each business day; its editor, Jim Lane, is a name you’ll hear mentioned regularly. He and his staff dig deep into the geopolitical issues surrounding biofuels from the Renewable Fuel Standard to developments in growing overseas markets; and how biofuels are playing out in other markets like cosmetics, medical products, and jet fuels. Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLCNext), organized by Biofuels Digest, will be taking place in San Francisco next month. Biomaterials, biogas, and ethanol will be among the topics discussed by leaders in the field.

It’s also a very good idea to get on the Navigant Research email list and find out about new market reports being released and events coming up. Smart is the keyword used by the market intelligence firm – smart energy, utilities, transportations, and buildings are tracked and analyzed. You’ll see reports on everything from autonomous vehicles and a forecast of global electric vehicles sales to challenges being faced in the charging infrastructure and making sense of the expanding business of nanotechnologies.

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